Etienne P. LeBel
, PhD
Psychology Instructor, Red Deer Polytechnic
82% of EP LeBel's last 11 empirical articles (2009-2021) MEET

Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
As of January 21, 2021
COIs/funding disclosures
I'm currently a part-time psychology instructor at the Red Deer Polytechnic. My research is in social psychology and meta-science (see Google Scholar profile).

In the area of meta-science, I study the credibility of scientific research. I've developed a unified framework to measure and track transparency and various forms of replication, which guide the creation of transparency and replication-related web tools for researchers (see As a trail-blazing meta-scientist, I helped raise transparency and replication standards by leading several status-quo disrupting initiatives:
In the area of social psychology, I investigate the nature of attitudes, attitude change , and racial biases/stereotypes informed by a new person-centered meta-theoretic framework. I also previously investigated units of measurement and methodological issues in psychology research.

As a side project, I am leading the development of JamBox, a voice-driven music app that let's musicians play their favorite songs with the fewest possible device disruptions. I use JamBox to play music as a daily spiritual practice (mainly as a cover song musician, see
Academic Works
Metric calibration of psychological instruments: Utility and feasibility
Empirical studies in book MEET
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel (2011)
Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Public Study Materials
Public Data
Public Code
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Envisioning a more rigorous preregistered survival study
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel, K Augustine, & AJ Rock (2022)
Journal of Scientific Exploration

Basic reporting requirements MET
(All) competing interests disclosed
(All) funding sources disclosed
A brief guide to evaluate replications
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel, W Vanpaemel, I Cheung, & L Campbell (2019)

Basic reporting requirements MET
(All) competing interests disclosed
(All) funding sources disclosed
A unified framework to quantify the credibility of scientific findings
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel, R McCarthy, B Earp, M Elson, & W Vanpaemel (2018)
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science

Basic reporting requirements MET
(All) competing interests disclosed
(All) funding sources disclosed
Falsifiability is not optional
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel, D Berger, L Campbell, & TJ Loving (2017)
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Basic reporting requirements MET
(All) competing interests disclosed
(All) funding sources disclosed
Public Code
Benefits of open and high-powered research outweigh costs
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel, L Campbell, & TJ Loving (2017)
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Public Code
Complex phenomena require sophisticated designs: Why we shouldn't give up on replicability
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
M Heino, EI Fried, & EP LeBel (2017)
Frontiers in Psychology
Registered Replication Report of Finkel, Rusbult, Kumashiro, & Hannon's (2002) Study 1
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
I Cheung, L Campbell, EP LeBel, ... , & JC Yong (2016)
Perspectives on Psychological Science

Public Study Materials
Public Data
Public Code
Reporting Standards
Study complies with the Basic 4 (at submission) reporting standard:
  1. Excluded data (subjects/observations): Full details reported in article.
  2. Experimental conditions: Full details reported in article.
  3. Outcome measures: Full details reported in article.
  4. Sample size determination: Full details reported in article.
Commentaries 1
A new replication norm for psychology
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel (2015)
Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
AA Aarts, ... , EP LeBel, ... , & BA Nosek (2015)

Public Study Materials
Public Data
Public Code
Reporting Standards
Study complies with the Basic 4 (at submission) reporting standard:
  1. Excluded data (subjects/observations): Full details reported in article.
  2. Experimental conditions: Full details reported in article.
  3. Outcome measures: Full details reported in article.
  4. Sample size determination: Full details reported in article.
Replication difficulties of Correll's (2008) modulation of 1/f noise in a racial bias task
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
C Madurski & EP LeBel (2015)
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review

Study 1

Study 2
Public Study Materials
Study 1

Study 2
Public Data
Study 1

Study 2
Public Code
Study 1

Study 2
Reporting Standards
Study 1 complies with the Basic 4 (retroactive) reporting standard.
Study 2 complies with the Basic 4 (retroactive) reporting standard.
Big secrets do not necessarily cause hills to appear steeper
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel & CJ Wilbur (2014)
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review

Public Study Materials
Public Data
Public Code
Reporting Standards
Study complies with the Basic 4 (at submission) reporting standard:
  1. Excluded data (subjects/observations): Full details reported in article.
  2. Experimental conditions: Full details reported in article.
  3. Outcome measures: Full details reported in article.
  4. Sample size determination: Full details reported in article.
Heightened sensitivity to temperature cues in highly anxiously attached individuals: Real or elusive phenomenon?
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel & L Campbell (2013)
Psychological Science

Public Study Materials
Public Data
Public Code
Reporting Standards
Studies comply with the Basic 4 (retroactive) reporting standard:
  1. Excluded data (subjects/observations): Full details reported in article.
  2. Experimental conditions: Full details reported in article.
  3. Outcome measures: Full details reported in article.
  4. Sample size determination: Full details reported in preregistered protocol.
Date of retroactive disclosure: October 1, 2013.
103 Grassroots support for reforming reporting standards in psychology
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel, D Borsboom, F Hasselman et al. (2013)
Perspectives on Psychological Science

Public Study Materials
Public Data
Public Code
The interactive role of implicit and explicit partner evaluations on ongoing affective and behavioral romantic realities
EP LeBel & L Campbell (2013)
Social Psychological and Personality Science

Reporting Standards
Study complies with the Basic 7 (retroactive) reporting standard.

Date of retroactive disclosure: February 15, 2018.
Retroactive disclosure statement

Socially desirable responding and its elusive effects on the validity of personality assessments
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
SV Paunonen & EP LeBel (2012)
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Public Code
Fearing the future of empirical psychology: Bem's (2011) evidence of psi as a case study of deficiencies in modal re...
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel & KR Peters (2011)
Review of General Psychology
Sexy but often unreliable: Impact of unreliability on the replicability of experimental findings involving implicit mea...
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Non-empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel & SV Paunonen (2011)
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Public Code
Attitude accessibility as a moderator of implicit and explicit self-esteem correspondence
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel (2010)
Self and Identity

Public Study Materials
557 57
Public Data
557 57
Public Code
557 57
Reporting Standards
Study complies with the Basic 7 (retroactive) reporting standard.

Date of retroactive disclosure: February 15, 2018.
Retroactive disclosure statement

How to find what's in a name: Scrutinizing the optimality of five scoring algorithms for the name-letter task
Article MEETS
Curate Science transparency standard Empirical
Gold/diamond/green open access
Open/public data when ethically possible
COIs/funding disclosures
EP LeBel & B Gawronski (2009)
European Journal of Personality

Public Data
Public Code
Implicit partner affect, relationship satisfaction, and the prediction of romantic breakup
EP LeBel & L Campbell (2009)
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Understanding patterns of attitude change: When implicit measures show change, but explicit measures do not
B Gawronski & EP LeBel (2008)
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

What do implicit measures tell us? Scrutinizing the validity of three common assumptions
B Gawronski, EP LeBel, & KR Peters (2007)
Perspectives on Psychological Science

Unpublished Working Papers
581 70
Replications 2
Replication difficulties of Payne, Hall, Cameron, and Bishara's (2010) multinomial processing tree model of the affect misattribution procedure
C Tobin* & EP LeBel (2014) *Student co-author
Unpublished manuscript, Montclair State University.

Public Data
Public Code
Modeling mechanism heterogeneity in the affect misattribution procedure: A hierarchical latent-class multinomial processing tree model approach
EP LeBel & C Stahl (2013)
Unpublished manuscript, Montclair State University.

Research-Related Media Coverage

London scientist Etienne LeBel has exposed questionable work of senior researchers (Sarnia Observer, Stratford Beacon Herald, September 4, 2015)

Taxpayer-funded research agencies 'need to wake up' (London Free Press, September 20, 2015)

'Hobo scientist' presses for truth in journals (Ottawa Citizen, September 5, 2015)

Whistle-blower scientist wins $10K prize (London Free Press, December 14, 2015)

Make Science More Reliable, Win Cash Prizes: Honoring young researchers who champion rigorous, transparent research is a small step towards changing the culture of science. (The Atlantic, December 10, 2015)

Scientists' claims fail rebel's smell test (Sarnia Observer, September 5, 2015)

The Science "Reproducibility Crisis" -- And What Can Be Done About It (The Conversation, March 15, 2017)

How the Reproducibility Crisis in Academia is Affecting Scientific Research (Forbes Magazine, February 9, 2017)

Why Academic Research is So Unpredictable and What We Can Do to Fix It (Huffington Post, February 9, 2017)

Why is so much research dodgy? (The Guardian, October 17, 2016)

Effect of Commitment on Forgiveness Investigated in Large-Scale Replication Project (APS Press Release, September 30, 2016)

The 7 biggest problems facing science, according to 270 scientists (Vox, September 7, 2016)

We need to talk about the bad science being funded (The Conversation, July 18, 2016)

Why so much science research is flawed -- and what to do about it (New Scientist, April 13, 2016)

Sloppy Science: Are Sketchy Practices in the Lab to Blame for the Replication Crisis in Psychology Research? (Slate Magazine, March 21, 2016)

Does social science have a replication crisis? (The Washington Post, March 9, 2016)

The six most interesting psychology papers of 2015 (The New Yorker, December 26, 2015)

We tried to reproduce 100 published psychological studies -- the results were abysmal (National Post, August 28, 2015)

Of 100 Published Psychology Studies, Less Than Half Could Be Reproduced Successfully (Popular Science, August 27, 2015)

Study delivers bleak verdict on validity of psychology experiment results (The Guardian, August 27, 2015)

How Reliable Are Psychology Studies? (The Atlantic, August 27, 2015)

Replication Gone Wrong (The Scientist, May 29, 2014)

A happy marriage? It's all about gut feelings (Skeptical appraisal of) (The Telegraph, November 28, 2013)

Cleaning up science (The New Yorker, December 21, 2012)

Can We Trust Psychological Research? (Time Magazine, July 17, 2012)

Science Consulting Services
I formerly offered the following science consulting services in the areas of:
Transparency Curation & Labeling
  • For authors, curate the transparency of articles as per transparency badges (eg) or transparency level of articles as per transparency standards (eg)
  • Curate & display the transparency of articles for journals (eg1; eg2; eg3), professors' publications for uni departments (eg), grantees' articles for funders (eg), or articles in open science platforms/academic search engines via custom user interfaces (UIs)
Credibility Curation & Evaluation
  • Curate the credibility of scientific evidence, including follow-up critical commentaries, robustness reanalyses, & replications at the article (eg1; eg2) or effect/hypothesis level (eg)
  • Advise legal teams and others on evaluating (& labeling) the credibility of scientific evidence (e.g., evidence cited in expert testimony affidavits or public policy papers)
Scientific Study Design
  • Design scientific studies to answer a question, test a hypothesis, or investigate a topic (any field; experimental or observational)
  • Clarify the question(s) & what specific aspect(s) of a topic you are most interested in shedding new light on
Past Clients
Designed an integrated transparency & credibility curation system for KU Leuven commissioned by the European Commission
Designed & implemented a replication tracker for Curate Science commissioned by the Center for Open Science
Designed a longitudinal study of open science behaviors for Berkeley's BITSS commissioned by an anonymous donor
Older Essays

EP LeBel (2005). The effect of subliminal self-affirmation on stereotype activation. Unpublished Honors thesis, University of Waterloo. PsyArXiv Preprint

EP LeBel (2004). Semantic priming in the dual task paradigm. Unpublished manuscript, University of Waterloo. PsyArXiv Preprint

EP LeBel (2003). The vanity construct re-examined: LeBel's vanity scale. Unpublished manuscript, University of Waterloo. Retrieved from [scale (.doc)] [data (.sav)] PsyArXiv Preprint

EP LeBel (2003). Need for cognition and attributions in intimate relationships. Unpublished manuscript, University of Waterloo. PsyArXiv Preprint

EP LeBel (2003). Effects of physical attractiveness on relation initiation. Unpublished manuscript, University of Waterloo. PsyArXiv Preprint

EP LeBel (2003). Human mate poaching and enticement processes revisited. Unpublished manuscript, University of Waterloo. PsyArXiv Preprint

EP LeBel (2003). Prosperous deviance: Drug trafficking. Unpublished manuscript, University of Waterloo. PsyArXiv Preprint

EP LeBel (2002). Creativity and mood disorders: Both deviances? Unpublished manuscript, University of Waterloo. PsyArXiv Preprint

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